
Experts and Jury

Develop technical documentation and all necessary regulations for the competition;
Provide the expertise for participants.
Gonnochenko Alexey
Gonnochenko Alexey
Sberbank PJSC, Technical Director of the Center for Robotics
Dobrovolsky Yuri
Dobrovolsky Yuri
The Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Head of Laboratory of Solid State Ionics, professor, doctor of chemical sciences
Leader of the contests "First element. Air" and "First element. Earth"
Danilin Dmitry
Danilin Dmitry
OIZ LLC, lead design engineer, chief judge and developer of the Regulations on the annual outdoor field testing of unmanned vehicles "RoboCross" in 2013-2018
Levchenko Alexey
Levchenko Alexey
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Acting head of the Department of Functional Inorganic Materials, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Idiatullov Timur
Idiatullov Timur
Moscow Polytechnic University, Deputy Head of the Center for the Development of Educational Programs, Associate Professor of the Scientific and Educational Center "Cyberphysical Systems"
Novikov Dmitry
Novikov Dmitry
INERERGY Ltd. The head of the group of primary current sources and accumulators, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Manyonok Ilya
Manyonok Ilya
FSUE «NAMI», Senior Specialist Autonomous Vehicles Sector, Information and Intelligent Systems Center
Agarkov Dmitry
Agarkov Dmitry
Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Junior Researcher, Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences
Belenov Sergey
Belenov Sergey
Southern Federal University, Department of Electrochemistry, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Ivanitsky Anatoliy
Ivanitsky Anatoliy
EPAM System Inc. Software Engineer
Kiselev Ilya
Kiselev Ilya
Skolkovo Foundation, Senior Project Manager, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Pavlov Artem
Pavlov Artem
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, project manager Open Skoltech Car
Vorobyov Andrey
Vorobyov Andrey
The Moscow Automobile And Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), associate professor of the department "Traffic management and safety", Deputy Head of the Center of Competence for the Development of Smart Transportation Systems, candidate of technical sciences